current coursework:
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BIOL 1050 Anatomy and Physiology of Obstetrics: Course reviews A & P of childbirth. Provides an understanding of pelvic bones, joints, ligaments and classifications, musculature of pelvic floor and perineum, fetal skull, fetopelvic relationships, reproductive organs, the reproductive cycle, natural child spacing, fertilization and early development, fetal circulation and the female urinary tract (MCU, 2020).
BOTNY 1010 - Herbology for Midwives: This course covers identification and properties of herbs. Focus on gaining herbal foraging skills and preparing herbal combinations. Create a midwife's herb garden (MCU, 2020.)
ENG 1050 - Technical Writing for Midwives: This course reviews the writing skills necessary for midwives including creating research papers, practice guidelines, client educational materials, business letters, as well as writing for both general and professional publication (MCU, 2020.)
HLTH 1030 - Foundations in Public Health and Health Education for Midwives: This course will introduces foundational concepts in Public Health and application of Public Health theory to midwifery practice. Maternal and newborn morbidity discussed from a Public Health perspective and identification of interventions and interconnectedness of Midwifery and Public Health. Examination and analysis of health disparities. Review techniques in shared decision making and health education, case studies, and experience with oral presentations (MCU, 2020)
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Midwives College of Utah. (2020). Summer 2020 Student Handbook.